Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

There are many factors in our lives that we can or cannot control. Getting an insight into the week ahead helps you understand these influences and utilise the resources we have to overcome what we can and create better from what we have.

Capricorn: December 22-January 19

There is harmony and understanding in relationships. Certain past misunderstandings could come up; address them with compassion and patience. Whether it is family or friends, deep listening strengthens bonds. Your ideas will be approved and there could be a new project assigned to you. It will be challenging but your enthusiasm will make it work for you. A delayed payment will create some stress, be patient, expect this 2 weeks later. Plan a special date with your partner, something as simple as a movie date will make them feel the love and attention they have been missing. Single Capricorns could meet someone very attractive, it’s possible to grow into a relationship. An old ligament or muscle injury could get aggravated, be careful!

Aquarius: January 20-February 18

Your intellect and innovative ideas will shine through at work. Lean into collaborative projects as your unique perspectives bring valuable insights that others might overlook. Do not be headstrong about your opinions, handle the differences as an opportunity for growth. Emotionally you might be feeling a bit low, connect with trusted friends and loved ones for support. Communicate what you are feeling, every emotional experience is a step towards self-awareness. You feel fresh and energetic physically, channel your high energy into physical activity, and sign up for a gym membership or HIT class. A movement towards spirituality could make you feel more balanced.

Pisces: February 19-March 20

It is a good time to discuss ideas with colleagues, but there could be some delays. It is not the appropriate time for approvals and the start of projects, so trust your instincts and be patient, do not push it beyond its time. Emotionally, you might feel very drained and sensitive, it is important to stay grounded and not get swept away by overwhelming feelings. Engage in activities that bring you peace and grounding like journaling or speaking to a close friend. It is a good time to confess your feelings for a special someone, expect a positive outcome, say it, and not hold it anymore. Focus on your immunity as minor colds and coughs could dampen your energy levels, making you feel groggy. Load up on Vitamin C!

Aries: March 21-April 19

You might find yourself frustrated with people who lack organisation. It is challenging, but take it as an opportunity to exercise patience. Your sweet-talking skills will help you charm your way through work situations. You and your partner might hold back on deeper truths, leaving many things unsaid; focus on easy communication to strengthen the bond. Arien men could benefit from some lady luck on financial investments. Expect good news about a delayed money payment. Physical health seems balanced, it is an excellent time to focus on dietary choices and make sure you are nourishing your body with the right foods.

Taurus: April 20-May 20

You may find it challenging to shake off the week’s workload, with thoughts of unfinished tasks lingering on your mind. At work, you need to break away from your usual routine, be open to new ideas and embrace technological advancements to improve your work processes significantly. Do not shy away from innovation, these changes will greatly assist you in staying ahead of time. A partner’s curiosity about your life may feel overwhelming, almost like an interrogation, look at it as their affection and love towards you, this outlook will bring harmony. Focus on emotional well-being, read a book or spend time with your loved ones to feel the joy.

Gemini: May 21-June 20

It’s a good week to brighten up your living space and lift your spirits. Dig out your favourite music, decorate with fresh flowers, and let the rhythms fill your home. You might feel a bit isolated this week, sensing a strain in professional friendships, these could negatively impact your mood. Stay observant and open-minded, not everyone is against you. Single Geminines could meet someone through a blind date, conversations could lead to surprising and enriching discoveries. Skin health is in the spotlight, stay hydrated, have an antioxidant-rich diet, and follow a skincare routine with natural products and remedies.

Cancer: June 21-July 22

After your recent exertions, you might feel both tired and mentally active. Your mind craves stimulation, which you can find in books, TV shows or online lectures. Spend some cosy time with family at home, eating some special meals. Single Cancerians, opt for bright colours and put on your best smile to attract someone special. At work, you could be assigned tasks that are difficult for you, but you shall obtain valuable experiences. Avoid conflicts with a female colleague or head, hence be careful with self-expression, and do not let your confidence come across as arrogance. Your pearly whites could need attention and might have to visit your dentist.

Leo: July 23-August 22


This week brings an exciting chance to attend an unexpected social gathering, where meeting people with shared professional interests could lead to friendships and business partnerships. Embrace invitations coming your way. Money could be spent on health issues. Avoid eating roadside food, as it might trigger a bad stomach bug. Be careful about being free-handed to pay for your friends, chances of getting this money back are lesser. Work overload will keep you extra busy. You have a unique ability to appear indifferent while actually being deeply engaged, time to let your near ones know. Let them share your thoughts and enthusiasm.

Virgo: August 23-September 22


Your discipline and clear thinking will be your greatest assets. Use your practical sense of time and limitations to address any challenges that come your way. In business be careful of conflict with a partner, and express your opinions with ease rather than aggression. Keep documentation for any joint investments clear to avoid being exploited later. This week could bring a fresh start to a particular relationship and could herald the beginning of a joyful change. Embrace this opportunity for a positive development in your life. Keep a tab on BP issues; low or high BP, and focus on relaxing activities like simple walks, yoga, or meditation.

Libra: September 24-October 22

You shall be moody this week, communicate openly and with empathy, and avoid making hasty decisions or judgments about close friends or family. A calm mind will help in professional life too, look for opportunities where you can exhibit your leadership qualities but also stay adaptable. Networking will open new avenues, you may get an interesting work offer from a friend, grasp all opportunities to expand. You could plan a business trip for training or a seminar to enhance your skills. Plan a trip with your partner to strengthen the relationship. Health needs long-term lifestyle changes as the focus could be cholesterol, fat and weight issues.

Scorpio: October 23-November 21

Your relationships could experience tension this week. Past issues may resurface, demanding a solution, it’s a good time to mend fences and strengthen bonds with your loved ones. Plan some quality time together to reconnect on a deeper level. You might feel a bit overwhelmed at work, do not get triggered to resign or change your job. Use this opportunity to share your ideas and proposals with colleagues and superiors, and stay open to feedback as input to refine strategies. Adapt and this phase shall pass with you looking like a bigger winner. Respiratory health is the focus of this week, be careful of allergies causing breathing issues. Make breathing exercises a part of your daily routine.

Sagittarius: November 22-December 21


Your creativity shall be a strong suit at work. Do not shy away from offering innovative suggestions during meetings. Colleagues and superiors will be impressed with your ideas. Utilise this energy to tackle challenging tasks, remember teamwork is the key. Emotionally you might be feeling a rollercoaster. Ground yourself and channel these emotions into creative outlets or deep, meaningful conversations. You may learn something different about your partner through this phase, bringing you closer. Physically practice Tai Chi, Yoga or slow, mindful exercises. Pay attention to your body’s need for nurturing movements and grounding food.

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