Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Zodiac horoscope

The moon is in charge. Do not try to control things this week. Hard lessons of acceptance will be meted out to many. Those who know how to be happy in the moment will be spared. Watch your reactions this week as you will find yourself in the same place more than once. Are you going to get caught in a downward spiral of overthinking and self-pity, or will you rise up like a powerful tornado to rearrange your life this week? Things will move in your favour if you speak with clarity and choose with conviction. The moon will light the way when you walk down the path that’s revealed to you.

Capricorn: December 22–January 20

Stop scrambling. Be still with clearly outlined outcomes. You are in a magical state of flow and very important pieces of information have been delivered to you in the last few weeks. They are not to pull you down, but rather to show you exactly what you need to do. Either change or accept. Address your beliefs about love, career, money, and opportunities. Unless you change these, your life cannot fully transform. Stop talking about your past the way you have been so far. Your narrative is not the whole truth and it’s blocking the future from becoming your present. This week as the full moon rises up, be aware that every thought, word and action of yours is creating your reality. You will find yourself in a powerfully aligned spot with the ability to call forth many miracles. Think good thoughts and stand in faith.

Aquarius: January 21–February 18

You will receive some very important news this week. For some, this will be a much-awaited call and for some, this will be a bunch of fruitful conversations you will find yourself being a part of quite coincidentally. For those who need a sign, something to assure them that their thought process is correct, ask for it and keep your ears open. The lyrics of a song playing on the radio, a conversation two random people in a cafe are having or then something specific told to you in a completely different context – listen closely to hear the whispers of the Universe. Every conversation you have this week will matter as some of you will need to make a strong decision. There’s no room for confusion and nobody else is going to choose for you. Be aware of what you want and let words guide you to it this week.

Pisces: February 19-March 20

Love and romance are the big themes of the week. However, you are being asked to go slow and with the flow. Do not try to make something happen or rush it because you want to live some tale you’ve spun in your head. Let the other person make the first move. This week will be a lesson in being patient while holding on to desire and faith. This week, know that you are divinely directed and divinely protected. Lean into the energy of your partner and trust them completely. For those who are single, the Universe needs you to put yourself out there and trust that love will be drawn to you. The problem is not about meeting someone worthy, but rather not controlling how things pan out. Those in business with one or multiple partners, need to learn to stop questioning their intentions. Nobody is going to cheat you. Be optimistic this week.

Aries: March 21-April 20


Be at peace this week. Let things happen knowing that you are and will continue to be taken care of. Do not fret about things not going your way. You are being nudged to try living a different way. If everything seems quiet, it’s a good sign. You are experiencing alignment and a sense of flow. This is exactly what this week should feel like – alignment and flow in every aspect of life. If you are experiencing chaos at work or in your personal life, you need to check in to see what you are doing. This may not be a week for completion or even taking big decisions. So don’t push yourself or others. The full moon on Monday will light the way for what you need to do next. Some of you on the verge of making big life choices may also see the obstacles in your path ahead clearly as the week rolls in.

Taurus: April 21–May 21


The fire element is blazing at the moment and you should take full advantage of it. Make things happen this week. The more you stay in action energy the more results you will create. Not a week to rely on others heavily. Understand how much to delegate and how to follow up. There are no obstacles this week other than the ones you create. Make sure you make big strides forward. Be clear in your communication this week. Do not leave anything to be understood, assumed or interpreted. Honesty in everything you do is of utmost importance. There is no need to hide or shield others. Transparency will be your strength. Observe people’s actions and assess their intentions as well as will based on what they do. What they say might sound nice, but will they follow that up with aligned action is what ultimately matters.

Gemini: May 22–June 21


Focus on honing your intuition. The Oracle sits within you. Are you able to recognise her voice? Can you respond to her call? Don’t look outside for answers. Go within. The more you write your ideas and thoughts down, the better aligned your reality will become in the weeks to come. Remember your intuition isn’t telling you only what is going to happen; it is in fact telling you what you need to do now. Your next move is what your inner voice is guiding you towards. Expect a shift in the way things have been these last few months. A new phase is beginning and the week might seem chaotic in parts. But take that as a sign of things falling in the right place. Life will seem uncertain and yet you will be certain about what you want from here on. Lean into this energy of certainty this week.

Cancer: June 22–July 22


What do you need to do? And why are you waiting around for someone else to do it? You are on your own this week and everything will rest on your shoulders alone. You can shoulder responsibilities like the star you are or treat life like a burden – that’s the only choice you have. Whichever label you choose, the job has to be done by you and only you. Look at the partnerships in your life, romantic and business or work-related; how are you showing up in these? You seem to spend a lot of time questioning what others are doing and how they are doing it. But there’s an inability to be accountable and to reflect on your actions as well as pace. The Universe is stripping you of any right to point fingers at anyone this week. You will learn to rely on people in your life and accept their ways without losing yours.

Leo: July 23–August 23


This week is specifically about romance and your relationship with your special someone. Stop trying to control them or their outcomes. They don’t need to be how you would like them to be. You have to accept them for who they are. That love story in your head needs to be rewritten because you cannot retrofit someone into this tale. What if who they are and whatever you two are experiencing with each other is exactly how the Universe intends it to be? Surrender to your love right now and let things flow. You are safe and your every desire can be fulfilled. Things that are currently happening in your love life, whether you are single, in a relationship or married, it’s holding up the mirror for you to evolve. What do you need to change to become who you were meant to be?

Virgo: August 24–September 22


Who are you? Not this person you are trying to be or have become to keep others happy. Who are you really if you stripped away all the behaviours you’ve donned for others? This week, walk towards authenticity. Stop trying to tell others how to be, but rather have those conversations with yourself. Stir up the discomfort and allow yourself to move towards self-acceptance. How you are seen vs how you want to be seen vs how you should be seen – these are the bridges to cross this week. Spend time with family and loved ones. Let children or the younger ones in your life show you the magical side of you. Let them tell you how they see you and how they’d like to see you. You have a full life surrounded by a lot of love and respect. Feel safe in this knowledge this week.

Libra: September 23–October 23


Rest this week. It’s not a time to run towards anything. You’ve set certain things in motion. It is now for you to let some of it settle and transform parts of your reality. When the Universe is redecorating your life based on your brief, it’s best to stand back and let things happen. Focus on your health instead this week. Whether it is work or love, this week will feel like things are at a standstill. But actually, you just need to be. Listen as much as if not more than you speak. This week you need to allow a shift in how you see balance. Think win-win – this is the only way your heart knows how to be happy. Trust your intuition if it’s blocking your path for something that you’ve been gunning for. Timing is everything, always remember this. Be fair about how you assess things and people in your life this week.

Scorpio: October 24–November 22


Seek help and assistance this week. Delegate and focus on teamwork. This is a week of getting work done as much as it is about doing certain things yourself. Be clear in your communication and make sure it’s timely. The time to procrastinate seems to be over. You are now building on higher levels and there’s an upward movement. Be careful not to pull yourself down in a spiral of anxiety and what-ifs this week. Slow down, stand still even; however, hold on to faith and move forward confidently at all times. Look at the equations you are surrounded by. Work, love, family and friends – solidify the foundations of the new ones and infuse the older ones with new energy. Your relationships are your biggest assets, let this truth be your guiding light this week.

Sagittarius: November 23–December 21


What are you resisting? What will it take for you to believe that everything is possible? YOu have a vision, but you aren’t committing to it. What’s going on? You ask for something and then the Universe sends the winds of change forth. But you resist and stubbornly choose to remain stuck. Decide clearly whether you are willing to do whatever it takes to live what you want and whether you are willing to live your desire fully once its manifests. The Universe is waiting right next to you, waiting for a green light from you. What will it take for you to commit? Understand that perfection is an illusion and you must adapt even within your desires. But that does not mean it’s not what you wanted or that you have failed. Look at your beliefs around living the life you want, wanting things to be exactly as you see it and your willingness to do what it takes.

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