10 Beauty Myths That Need To Retire This Year (Please)


Beauty myths are like that annoying song you can’t get out of your head—persistent and utterly misleading. It’s time to throw those bad tunes out and tune into the truth. From the myth that shaving makes hair grow thicker to the delusion that expensive products are always better, we’re debunking the top ten beauty myths that have been holding you back. Ready to upgrade your beauty IQ? Let’s dive in!

Myths and Truths

Myth: Shaving makes hair grow back thicker.
Truth: Hair may feel coarser post-shave, but it doesn’t grow back thicker. It’s all in the angle of the cut.


Myth: Toothpaste can cure pimples.
Truth: This is a classic myth. Toothpaste can irritate your skin, making matters worse. Stop, just stop!


Myth: You can shrink your pores.
Truth: Pores don’t shrink; however, they can appear smaller with proper cleansing and exfoliation. Pores look “bigger” because of the dust and grime that is stuck in the pores, so as long as they’re clean, they won’t be as visible.

Myth: Expensive products work better.
Truth: Price doesn’t always equal quality. Many drugstore products are just as effective as high-end ones. Our beauty editor is the biggest Emolene and Pond’s Cold Cream stan out there!


Myth: Oily skin doesn’t need moisturiser.
Truth: All skin types need moisture. Opt for a lightweight, oil-free formula for oily skin, but do not skip it!

Myth: You don’t need sunscreen indoors or on cloudy days.
Truth: Seriously, we don’t even know how to drill this in so it stays. Sunscreen. Is. Important. It. Cannot. Be. Skipped. UV rays penetrate clouds, so sunscreen is a must every day.

Myth: Natural products are always better.
Truth: Natural doesn’t always mean better. Some natural ingredients can irritate sensitive skin. Know what your skin needs, read and educate yourself about ingredients and don’t be afraid of actives.

Myth: Crossing your legs causes varicose veins
Truth: Genetics and other factors play a bigger role in varicose veins, not your sitting habits.

Myth: Rubbing your eyes causes wrinkles.
Truth: While gentle touching won’t cause wrinkles, avoid excessive rubbing which can irritate the delicate skin. Still, THAT isn’t causing wrinkles.


Myth: Trimming Hair Frequently Makes It Grow Faster
Truth: Trimming prevents split ends, promoting healthier hair, but it doesn’t speed up growth. What it does, is that it stops the split from travelling up – so you don’t have to cut off a larger chunk the next time you go in.



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