The Covid-19 pandemic has altered our lives. But, as the disease spreads across the world, it is essential to stay up-to-date about it. So we've created a Covid-19 guide to help you stay updated about everything you must know.

An introduction

On December 31, China informed the WHO of a number of cases of pneumonia because of an unknown cause in Hubei province. After preliminary determination, Chinese researchers named the virus as a novel coronavirus. Since then, more than 7,50,00 cases have been confirmed and more than 36,000 deaths have been reported dead due to coronavirus across the world. More than 180 countries, including India, have reported these cases. And, lockdowns, curfews, airport screenings, quarantines, and social distancing have become the norm around the world.


The symptoms

The symptomsof Covid-19 appear within two to 14 days after exposure and include fever, cough, a runny nose, and difficulty in breathing. Some people also experience aches, pains, sore throat or diarrhea. The symptoms are usually mild in the beginning and some people who are infected don’t develop any symptoms at all. While most people recover from the disease without needing special treatment, 1 out of every 6 people suffering from coronavirus gets seriously ill.

Who gets affected the most?

While people of any age-group can be affected by the disease, people aged 80 and above are at the highest risk of dying due to coronavirus, according to case records analysed by the Disease Control and Prevention Centers in China and South Korea. Victims of the virus with pre-existing medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes have a higher fatality rate than others.


How to protect yourself

World Health Organization has specified that one of the ways to reduce the risk of infection is by regularly and thoroughly cleaning one’s hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or washing them with soap and water. Medical masks can also help prevent the spread of coronavirus infection if worn properly, according to WHO. You should maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. This is because when someone coughs or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain viruses. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth and cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the tissue immediately.


How to stock up on groceries

Start with stocking up on non-perishables like pasta, grains, seeds, and frozen vegetables. Groceries worth a couple of weeks is enough. You can also add powdered milk, coffee, tea, flour, sugar and honey to that list. While cooking, use leafy greens, herbs, and soft fruits first. Eggs can also be refrigerated for weeks. So can poultry, meat, or vegetable stock. If you have pets, then make sure you have a two-week worth of supply.


Myths around Covid-19

Do not believe in misleading claims by anyone who says that consuming garlic, curry leaves or cow’s urine would treat one from the disease. The WHO has also busted several other myths like: Covid-19 cannot be transmitted in hot and humid climates or it can be transmitted through mosquito bites.

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