Slogan T-shirts, the end of real fur in luxury and women taking back the power: 2017 was packed with many highlights. So what’s in store for fashion in 2018? If you ask designer duo Shantanu & Nikhil, they believe women will continue to be bold and barrier-breaking in their sartorial sensibilities. Huemn creative director Pranav Mishra wants us to stop bandying about the term ‘sustainable’ and really look for ways in which fashion can provide solutions to global issues. Payal Khandwala wants fashion to be more realistic and relatable to real-life women with everyday jobs, while designers Saaksha Parekh and Kinni Kamat of Saaksha and Kinni insisted on the importance of originality.
So what do you expect from fashion in 2018?
15 designers on what their predictions for fashion in 2018
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