Beauty Editor’s Picks: ‘I’m Just Trying to Stay Sane’ Edition

Alright, confession time: I’m hurtling into a month so chaotic, that my brain can’t even process it. Between endless deadlines and trying not to lose my mind, I’ve resorted to wellness products. Do they magically transform me into a mindful, calm goddess? Absolutely not. But they make it look like I’ve got my life together, and that’s half… Continue reading Beauty Editor’s Picks: ‘I’m Just Trying to Stay Sane’ Edition

Beauty Editor’s Picks: ‘My Hair Needs To Grow Back’ Edition

Once upon a time, in a world not too long ago, my hair cascaded down my back like a majestic waterfall. A waterfall that had unfortunately gone through a drought. Yes, it was long—long enough to be the envy of every Disney princess, but alas, it had the texture of a neglected broomstick that had… Continue reading Beauty Editor’s Picks: ‘My Hair Needs To Grow Back’ Edition

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