ELLE Exclusive: Global LGBTQIA+ Pop Icon Kim Petras Talks About Beauty, Pop Stardom, and Advocacy!


In the vibrant world of pop music and beauty, few names resonate as powerfully as Kim Petras. A global pop sensation and a trailblazer for the LGBTQIA+ community, Kim has captured hearts worldwide with her chart-topping hits and fearless advocacy for inclusivity and equality. Celebrating three decades of transformative impact, M.A.C VIVA GLAM announces its 30th anniversary, featuring Kim Petras and Danna Paola. As the newest global ambassador for M.A.C VIVA GLAM Kim is set to make an even bigger impact. In an exclusive interview with ELLE, she opens up about her journey, her new role with M.A.C, and her vision for a more inclusive future.

ELLE: Hey Kim! Huge congrats on becoming M.A.C VIVA GLAM’s newest ambassador! How does it feel to be part of something so legendary?

Kim Petras (KP): Thank you! Personally, this is a dream come true. I’m very excited. I’ve seen the campaigns since I was a kid, and they’ve always been so glamorous and out there. Especially RuPaul’s campaign—it’s one of my all-time favourites. But what matters most is that with this association, 100% of the proceeds go to causes I care about, like supporting the LGBTQIA+ community, racial equality, environmental equality, gender equality, and sexual equality. It’s amazing to be part of something that’s raised half a billion dollars already! I hope this inspires everyone to push it to a billion. Plus, it’s the 30th anniversary of VIVA GLAM—such a big milestone. It’s just very dreamy and a huge childhood dream for me. As a longtime fan of M.A.C, I’ve used it throughout my career, including on the day I won a Grammy. M.A.C is very close to my heart.

ELLE: What were some of the biggest hurdles you had to overcome in your journey?

KP: My journey as an artist in fashion and makeup has been a dream. I’m from a small town in Germany—more like a few houses and a highway. It was hard to get into the music industry as someone openly transgender. It took years to gain any traction because of limitations placed on me just because of who I am, and how I identify. Now, everything feels like a celebration. I aim to show everyone that you can do anything, and what better way to do that than with something as creative and fun as makeup?

ELLE: What advice would you give to your fans who are inspired by your journey but are facing their own challenges?

KP: For anyone needing some inspiring words, you really just have to believe in yourself, your vision, your talent, and your heart. Letting go of the limits others put on you is crucial. I live for beauty in everything and creating something that lets me and others escape the real world for a bit. Even when people don’t get it, you have to protect your vision and believe in what you find beautiful.

ELLE: Makeup clearly plays a huge role in your self-expression. Do you have any beauty tips or tricks that you’ve picked up along the way?

KP: Absolutely. I’ve learned so much from incredible makeup artists. Skincare is vital—I’m very conscious of UV protection and love sunscreen. I think the most important thing is finding what works for you and what you like on yourself. It’s not about rules but about self-care, hydration, and feeling good. Also, setting sprays are game-changers.

ELLE: What’s one M.A.C product you absolutely can’t do without?

KP: Definitely Fix+. The scent is nostalgic and comforting. But also, the VIVA GLAM lipstick I’m wearing right now—it’s a beautiful shade and supports such important causes.

ELLE: Your partnership with M.A.C is more than just beauty; it’s about advocacy and giving back. Can you tell us more about that?

KP: It’s incredibly fulfilling to know that something as fun as lipstick can help people in need. The fact that 100% of VIVA GLAM’s proceeds go to support HIV/AIDS organisations and the LGBTQIA+ community is what makes this role so special to me. It’s about raising awareness, fighting for equality, and inspiring others to join the cause.

ELLE: Looking ahead, what’s next for you? Any exciting projects or goals you’re aiming for?

KP: I’m always working on new music and projects. The goal is to keep pushing boundaries, both in my music and in my advocacy work. I want to inspire and empower as many people as possible and continue using my platform to drive positive change.

Kim Petras isn’t just a pop star; she’s a symbol of resilience. Her collaboration with M.A.C VIVA GLAM is set to amplify her message of inclusivity, diversity, and empowerment. With her at the helm, we’re excited to see how she’ll continue to break barriers and inspire millions around the world.

Buy the new VIVA GLAM lipsticks at M·A·C stores, online at maccosmetics.in or at Shoppers Stop and Nykaa. Your purchase supports M·A·C’s mission to promote sexual, gender, and environmental equality. This initiative aims to raise another half-billion dollars for charity, donating 100% of the lipstick purchase price to local organizations worldwide supporting equal rights and healthy futures. The revamped lineup includes four shades: VIVA Heart, VIVA Planet, VIVA Empowered, and the new VIVA Equality.

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