Since the beginning of time, gloves have been a pretty prominent part of the accessory family. In the 19th century, it was not only practical but also considered a sign of elegance to adorn this simple yet hard-to-miss garment. Of course, I’m not referring to the gloves one wears to shield themselves from the weather or while handling hazardous biochemicals. I’m talking about those that are worn solely for the aesthetic. It is clear that lately, everyone is opting for this glamorous, exciting element that they can add to an already flamboyant outfit. With TV shows like Bridgerton promoting this whole aesthetic, gloves are back and with a bang.
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Like anything that stems from the classics, gloves definitely used to have a classist and elitist tone to them. However, it has been a long time since their conception and the fashion industry has had quite a journey in terms of new trends as well as modifying old ones. Gloves have not been exempt from this. Gone are the days when there were only certain sects of society that were seen wearing them. Now, everyone from highly luxurious to fast fashion brands has incorporated these in their collections.
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When there’s a lot of attention given to a long-established object, there’s always an event or a person who is responsible for reigniting the mass interest. The case is no different with gloves because lately there has been a plethora of influential women wearing them as not only a secondary accessory but also a statement piece that brings together their whole outfit. This is a common affair at most red carpet events.
Gloves just radiate a sort of eccentric yet sophisticated energy that is perfectly suited to any A-list event regardless of the function's agenda. If you closed your eyes to draw from memory the most iconic outfits at any of the Met Galas or the Golden Globes, your mind will be crowded with images including this accessory. It's an inevitable piece that works as a fulfilling finishing touch.
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Even in the early 2000s, there were a lot of gloves everywhere. As the air grows aromatic with 90s nostalgia, many currently popular performance artists are also opting for the glove look as a part of their costume. They are drawing from their predecessors like Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera in terms of dressing ideas. Still, the tonality of glove usage has evolved quite a bit from the rebellious pop-star trope to the glam diva vibe.
Like I said, you have and will keep seeing a lot of gloves on the red carpet. These ceremonies have always been the best opportunity for many celebrities to prove themselves as people who embody the style and aesthetic that audiences are dying to see.
If you have read classic literature, you would know that gloves can play a very significant role in being an attractive force during courtship rituals. In case reading’s not your thing, just watch any period piece where the characters don’t even leave the house without wearing them. There are many instances you can see exactly how something as simple as the act of removing a glove can be the seductive move of that century. Or any century, for that matter.
You might have to sacrifice Touch ID for the night but it would undoubtedly be worth it.