Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Here’s what the stars have in store for you!

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Are you looking for clarity in life and wondering how yes/no Tarot card reading can help?

A yes/no Tarot card reading is where you can ask specific questions that require a straightforward, binary answer. These answers can be a Yes, No, or sometimes a Maybe. It is a perfect option when you need clarity about a specific situation but might not want a complicated, lengthy reading. 

Whether you are inquiring about a job opportunity, a relationship, or a major life decision, a Yes/No Card reading can help you find immediate answers. 

Aries: March 21- April 19

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

3 of Wands

Yes. Don't rest on your laurels! You need an action plan, if you don't already have one. There is an entire world there to conquer, so get ready to level up and expand. Now is not the time to dither. Go big or go home. You can be in the best position possible for success in all aspects of life. Do your homework, check your facts, and make a move. It won't be wrong!

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

4 of Swords

No. This card urges rest. You could be so worn out from the trials of life or actual physical struggles that you need a period of rest to recharge your batteries for what lies ahead. You cannot keep up with the frantic, frenetic pace without paying dearly for it. There is a potential hope for success if you rest now. Focus on the hope as you recuperate so you can rejoin the fray another day. 

Gemini: May 21- June 20

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

7 of Swords

No. Someone is stealing from you - or could it be the reverse? Regardless, deception and duplicity abound, and someone's disloyalty is about to be discovered. You don't want to be the one caught with your hand in someone else's cookie jar, so make sure that all your actions are above- board and unimpeachable. 

Cancer: June 21- July 22


The Magician

Yes. This is a go-to card for success. The Magician shows you possess all the knowledge, tools, and skills necessary for you to be successful in life or related to this question. Integrate all your energy into your own personal blueprint for success. Read all the signs and don't get caught up in something unethical or illegal. Discernment is the key, stay grounded while making decisions.

Leo: July 23- August 22

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

3 of Swords

Yes. You may have experienced a trio of life-altering blows that brought you to your knees in despair. You need respite from this pain to heal, but you also must hold on to hope. Do not let this pain destroy all that is good and pure and loving within your pierced heart. You are strong enough to see this through. Channelise the pain and lessons for a better outcome this time. 

Virgo: August 23- September 22

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

2 of Swords

Maybe. Ah, Choices, Which way will you go? Be careful not to turn a "blind eye" to unwelcome information simply because it is something you might not want to know. Knowledge is power, and it is time to take yours back. Someone could be hiding some essential information from you. Learn what lies beneath the surface. Then, make the best choice you can to defuse the conflicts you face. 

Libra: September 23- October 22

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

7 of Pentacles

Yes. Many times people work extremely hard without ever seeming to get ahead, that can tire and frustrate them when their efforts don't pan out as expected. This card shows that success shall follow after hard work. You may have lost faith, but do not lose hope at the last leg. You have the skills but you need to persevere to make things happen for yourself. 

Scorpio: October 23- November 21

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

7 of Cups

No. Some things don't appear to be what they seem. Having too many choices may be literally driving you mad. You are not using your discernment and it can bring disastrous results to your life. Remember all that glitters is not gold. Some "surprises" are not of a good kind. Learn how to discern and distill what is real from what is fake, and you will lose a lot of stress that dogs your steps.

Sagittarius: November 22- December 21

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Knight of Cups

Yes. It can be downright scary to follow your heart instead of your head, especially if you aren't used to doing that. You don't have to throw all caution to the wind but give yourself a chance to welcome change into your life. Move through the current phase of life with confidence as there is nothing that can stop your stride. You don't hold back and this is a trait that people around you truly admire.

Capricorn: December 22- January 19

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

The Chariot

Yes. All systems are gone, so rev up those engines! There is competition but you will have the upper hand. The theme of this card is victory directed by willpower to manifest results. You have to work hard to keep things between the lines so your path remains clear. Do not allow distractions to divert you from your goals. Remember you are in charge of your destiny. 

Aquarius: January 20- February 18

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Knight of Pentacles 

Yes. Do not doubt your ability to succeed at a steady pace. There are times when rushing in seems appropriate. Proceed but be steady, do not get deterred by others' distractions. That is just extraneous noise. Put your imaginary blinders on and remain focused on the goals you have set for yourself to get success. Your level-headedness and overall maturity will be appreciated.

Pisces: February 19- March 20



Maybe. The only proven path to peace in life is moderation. Avoid going to extremes. There is a little of this, but not too much of that. Where do you go overboard in your life and where do you lack effort; time, or commitment? Do your internal checklist and give yourself an auto tune-up, it might be overdue. Thoughtfulness, caution and prudence have their place in decision-making.

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