Labour Day 2024: 4 Labour Laws Everyone In The Fashion & Manufacturing Industry Must Be Abreast With

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Fashion companies worldwide are increasingly turning to South Asian nations such as Bangladesh, India, and Vietnam. This stems not only from the countries' close proximity to cotton production but also from the absence of regulatory oversight during the production process.

May 1 is internationally celebrated as Labour Day, and here's an important slice of information you must know: The deadly collapse of Bangladesh's Rana Plaza Factory in 2013 exposed structural risks that can be averted with simple adherence to the law. Over 2,500 people were hurt and about 1,100 people died. Furthermore, the textile sector has a terrible reputation for using child labour.

The fashion business in India is also expanding rapidly, with several enterprises having sprung up, employing a sizable workforce. There are plenty labour laws that have been established in acknowledgment of these workers' rights and welfare. This Labour Day, let's check a few important ones out:


1. Payment of Wages Act, 1936

The Payment of Wages Act of 1936 (Act) is intended primarily to help industrial workers who do not earn a lot of money. In 2017, the Indian government elevated the limit to INR 24,000 per month. The primary objective of the Act is to ensure that timely payments are made to employees who operate in the industry. If there is an issue or a grievance, prompt and efficient measures may be taken to address the claims and difficulties with the aid of this act.


2. The Indian Code of Social Security 2020

As mandated by the 2020 Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions Code, employers must fulfill the following obligations: a) Make sure that there are no risks at work that could injure or cause occupational diseases in employees, and that you abide by this code as well as any instructions issued by the government in this regard. b) Provide specific employee classes with a free yearly health examination. c) Provide and maintain a safe and risk-free working environment for employees, as much as it is reasonably possible. d) Give staff appointment letters.


3. Maternity Benefit Act (1961)

One piece of law that helps women who are employed during their maternity leave is the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961. It guarantees the female employee 'maternity benefits,' which include receiving payment for time spent away from work tending to a newborn. The Act covers miscarrying women in addition to public hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and other enterprises. A woman is entitled to up to six weeks of paid leave if she miscarries during her pregnancy or has an abortion.


4. Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act 1970:

This Act safeguards 'contract labour,' or employees hired by or through a contractor, whether or not the principal employer is aware of their employment. This law also makes it mandatory for essential establishments to register, and it holds the primary employer responsible for providing necessities like restrooms, canteens, and clean drinking water.

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