Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week


Every week brings a new course of action, which could be complex and encouraging. Lets see what’s in store for you.

Capricorn: December 22-January 19

A good week for finances, you will have a good opportunity to make a profit or return on investments, but do listen to advice from others. Avoid conflicts with colleagues or a male boss. Single Capricorns could meet someone cool, who shall be a little difficult to decode, but be rest assured they are equally interested in you, they just know to keep you on the hook. You might feel drained and tired juggling personal and professional responsibilities, lean into supportive friendships and be open to vulnerable conversations. Emotional work aligns with your natural resilience, making you feel more grounded and calm.

Aquarius: January 20-February 18

You might find yourself navigating some complex dynamics at work. There could be power struggles or a shift in responsibilities. Stay adaptable and open to change. Use your innovative mind for fresh solutions, don’t be afraid to assert your ideas. Embrace teamwork rather than solitary efforts. Your initial carefree love gives way to a phase in which you both have to take the responsibilties to master the challenges that lie ahead, time to move to the next level–moving in together, marriage or child birth. A time to replenish your energy reserves, a massage or meditation will be helpful.

Pisces: February 19-March 20

New week, new luck! Follow your inner feeling and be curious where it leads you. Spontaneity and creativity are the order of the week. You are in renewed energy, there could be new beginnings, like working on a new project or starting a new job. There could be some spiritual inclination, driving you to learn or study something with a divine connect. Expect good gains financially like getting a profit or bonus. Think about which contracts you really need and how much money you can regularly put aside for rainy days, so nothing can throw you off track. Channelise this heightened energy to set health goals and make lifestyle changes to help you in the long run.

Aries: March 21-April 19

You may feel a strong desire to connect with loved ones, emotional conversations could bring you closer to family members or friends. Expressing affection and gratitude will enhance your bonds. Your ambitions and drive will set you apart this week, there will be great opportunities for advancement. Take calculated risks. Networking with colleagues or mentors will be beneficial, they might give you valuable advice. A secret crush might give positive responses to you, enjoy it, but also take time to study each other. You might be experiencing back aches, time to assess this. Focus on bone health and correct your posture. It is a good idea to adopt natural ways of healing and cleansing now.

Taurus: April 20-May 20

Welcome surprises in your professional life. Collaborative efforts will be fruitful, work in teams rather than overworking yourself and affecting your work efficiency. Be careful with documentation, unknowing mistakes could lead to big complications. There is a lack of trust and harmony in a relationship, take some time out for deep conversations to find clarity and emotional equilibrium. Irregularities in diet could lead to stomach disorders, so be mindful of what you eat. Time to make physical health a priority, and commit to a class or routine that will help in the long run. Impulsive short weekend trips, especially in nature will help relax and rejuvenate.

Gemini: May 21-June 20

Your personal relationships shall be the highlight this week as you seek deeper connections. You may experience some tension or misunderstandings with a loved one, which needed to be addressed since a long time; handle this with patience and empathy. Spend quality time with the ones who matter the most, express your true feelings. Shared activities can strengthen bonds and create memories. It is a stable week in terms of finances. You might feel tired under work pressure, do not let this create conflicts with your boss or a superior. A nagging headache could bog your energies, be sure to take mental breaks to relieve the stress.

Cancer: June 21-July 22

You have been making a conscious effort to maintain your physical and mental well being, continue the efforts to keep the balance, as this week will test your ability to navigate the triggers. Meditate to keep stress at bay. Avoid overexertion, listen to your body signals, a little rest is always beneficial. Be careful of your words and keep temper in control, some harsh words may hurt the sentiments of your partner leading to dispute. At work some corrections may lead to delays. Do not be stubborn with colleagues as it may impact you adversely. You could reconnect with an old friend, living in nostalgia and disconnecting from reality.

Leo: July 23-August 22


It is a good week for rekindling old friendships or addressing unresolved issues with your loved ones. You will get a positive response from your partner and close friends, deep conversations will strengthen bonds. A romantic outing will get you extra brownie points. Implicating certain past lessons will give creative solutions on a stagnant project. It is a great time for negotiations and presentations going your way. Remember to be patient with colleagues who might not be on the same page. Avoid new ventures. Keep your respiratory health in mind, allergic cough and cold could slow you down.

Virgo: August 23-September 22


You might not be very romantic but even the minimum will get you appreciation from your partner. Spend quality time, show appreciation for their understanding; compassion will create another level of intimacy. Single Virgos could meet someone new, maybe a foreigner, it will be a fun and exciting interaction. Work overload may lead to conflicts with your heads and superiors. There could be work travels planned, both within the country and international. You could be presented with new job opportunities, do consider them well. Signing up for a sport routine has been on your mind, take the action to include the discipline.

Libra: September 24-October 22

Your relationships may experience a transformative phase, be open to having honest conversations with your loved ones. It is good to express your feelings and find mutual understanding. Face conflicts with empathy and patience. Be careful with money, avoid lending or investing at this time. Use your diplomatic skills to resolve any conflicts at work but do not get caught up in workplace drama. Keep an eye for details, minor errors could lead to bigger issues later. You might feel the urge to break free from past habits and follow a new regime. Mindful breathing, yoga and peaceful walks with your music could help you calm down.

Scorpio: October 23-November 21

You might be in a frustrating situation or are worried about something which you cannot express directly. Please control your emotional sensitivity as others may consider you unreasonable or sarcastic. At work, you should consult others and listen to their comments, it is better to adapt than argue. Any conflicts should be resolved face to face. Give your subordinates a chance to express their self-confidence and knowledge, helping them to grow. Money seems to be easy this week, use this time to invest and multiply in stocks. Love situation is fragile, your over jealousy could annoy your partner, give them space to keep things peaceful. Single Scorpios could meet an interesting match. You will make time for a much pending visit to the dentist.

Sagittarius: November 22-December 21


Emotionally you might be feeling a mix of enthusiasm and introspection. You may feel the need for solitude for self discovery and periods of social interaction for joy. Embrace your feelings constructively and share your thoughts with loved ones for support. There is a chance for promotion or appreciation on successful completion of a long on going project. You could also consider self improvement by opting for a new course or learning a new language. Expect fun work offers or partnerships, which could come out of the blue from unknown sources. Avoid conflicts with female colleagues. Take care of your eyes, too much screen time might be causing excess strain.

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