4 beauty influencers share their top advice for managing curly hair

Pallavi Juneja (@thecuriousjalebi): After a rebonding treatment damaged her thick curls eight years ago, Juneja started looking up ways to work with her natural texture. Now, you can count on the marketing professional’s encyclopaedic knowledge and detailed reviews to guide you through your hair woes. Her Facebook group, Ask Jalebi is an active community of… Continue reading 4 beauty influencers share their top advice for managing curly hair

A curly-haired girl’s guide to taking care of temperamental hair

My hair and I have a long history of discontent. Growing up, it looked like Emma Watson as tween Hermione Granger—poufy. My mother insisted on brushing my curly hair out and I would straitjacket it with an army of bobby pins and braids. I spent hours coaxing it into the right direction, only to have… Continue reading A curly-haired girl’s guide to taking care of temperamental hair

8 life-saving tips to tame frizzy hair

Some days you’re the glamorous Princess of Genovia but other days frizz makes you feel like a pre-makeover Mia Thermopolis. Blame humidity or DNA (shoutout to my fellow curly-haired queens), but whatever the source, the frizz requires management skills. We chatted with Los Angeles-based hairstylists Michael Dueñas and Caile Noble to learn some of the best… Continue reading 8 life-saving tips to tame frizzy hair

8 products every curly-haired girl needs in her arsenal

From the shop shelves to our social media feeds, curls have never been more prevalent. No strategically teased, laboured over ringlets here. Instead, there are heads of naturally quirky, characteristic curls that have stolen the limelight and inspired a new age of beauty that puts individuality first. Not sure quite how to get there? We’ve done the legwork and lined up all the… Continue reading 8 products every curly-haired girl needs in her arsenal

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