Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Here's what the stars have in store for you this week

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Abundance of opportunities and new beginnings. A lot will happen this week and almost everyone will have many reasons to smile. This isn't a week to make impulsive moves or to react immediately. Watch carefully as things play out. Do not be in a hurry to decide what you should do next. Celebrate and stay in that energy of success and joy for a little while. Your next step will be revealed when the time is right. Till then enjoy the present fully.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 20


Believe in your good fate. Things are working out and they will pan out as is best for your highest good. Either you are constantly changing your mind, moving your attention from one to another too quickly; or then you are stuck in one spot and even though you know what you need to do, you aren't following through. This week you need to move. In some aspects you need to pick up the pace and in some you need to crawl forward. Pay attention to your thoughts and learn to decipher the voice of your intuition from those of your brain ensuring you remain treated in that so-called comfort zone. You have everything you need to create the life you desire now. Act and you shall witness your own power.

Aquarius: January 21 - February 18


What false notions are you holding on to? What superficial aspects have you latched on to? This week you need to focus on routine tasks and be present in the present. Park aside all lofty notions and just allow yourself to do what is needed no matter how small or mundane the task. You seek an experience that might be so far out of reality that you are unnecessarily triggering a sense of pointlessness and apathy. Every moment of something doesn't have to be exciting or intense. What makes you happy right now? How much of that are you doing in a day? You seem to be chasing a goal by doing one too many things at the same time. You need to slow down and take stock of what all you are giving your energy to.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20


You are moving into a very fertile phase and it's a good time to create new aspects of life. For some this is a new venture, for others it could be about planning a baby. For some it's about manifesting a relationship and for others it's about moving locations. Whatever you do ensure that your family is involved and you are seeking advice from the elders. Their experience and wisdom is crucial at this point. The abundance available to you covers different areas of your life. So be careful not to focus only on work or only on love because this is a phase when you can make it all happen. It's a great time to envision your life ahead and start putting pieces in place to build up to your desired reality. 

Aries: March 21 - April 20


Instead of looking for evidence, believe in magic. You don't need to know all the details. Just know that it's all working out in your favour. There's a victory for you and there are a lot of gifts to be received this week. It's a good idea to take some time this week and list down all your desires. Many miracle moments are available to you this week and there's an air of “you never know” around you. Make the most of this time. If you knew you could magically get what you want, what all would you wish for? There are many things that you don't know. Some of you are being asked to not seek out additional information right now. The more you build faith and do things with trust, the better the week will be for you. 

Taurus: April 21 - May 21


Be playful this week as you'll need to practise surrendering more than once this week. Don't take things so seriously. Know that life is transient. Nothing is permanent and you will not get stuck. There are many things that aren't in your control. You need to accept this and let things happen the way they are. You don't get to dictate every aspect of your life or others' behaviours. Some of you are constantly blaming others or then your circumstances. Play fair in whatever you choose to do. For those who are starting something new, know that everything in life is a chance. There are no guarantees. Take the leap of faith without making it all about success or failure. Your worth is determined by a lot more. 

Gemini: May 22 - June 21


Use your mind wisely. Be aware of what your heart seeks, but also be aware of where your mind is taking you. Make conscious choices for you're creating your reality. What you do today impacts your day tomorrow. Ensure that you make peace with your choices. This is a week to be flexible with yourself and with others. The sense of feeling lost or helpless that some of you are feeling is temporary and more of an illusion than the absolute truth. All the support you need is available to you. But be clear about what you need vs what you want. Those going through any kind of crisis or tough situation, be careful not to weave tales of abandonment. Insecurities won't help you make wiser choices this week. So be practical and realistic. 

Cancer: June 22 - July 22


There's a magical partnership in your life that you know better than to question. What is making you not trust this person? For some this is about work and for others it's a matter of the heart. Sweet results await you. All you need to do is show some faith. You have wisdom and experience on your side. If your will to put in efforts is dependent on a guarantee of results, you are pushing yourself to procrastinate. Your impatience may be causing the tremors in your daily life right now. You cannot dictate time. Counter your fears with facts and take decisions that stem from experience that is directly related to the current situation. Avoid creating tales and indulging in hypothetical conversations. Focus on doing what is needed and the rest will follow.

 Leo: July 23 - August 23


It's time to heal. It's time to truly let go and detach from the hold your past still has on you. Focus on what matters instead of what it will seem like. Whether others will accept you or not, you need to accept you and your choices. What is the life you want to live? What desire of yours do you want to turn into your reality? Now is the time to make it happen. Do not be afraid of what happened. Only focus on what you want to experience from here on. This week will be emotionally draining for some as you finally begin to move on. Some need to be careful about who they are listening to or trying to please. Who approves of and  validates you? You need to free yourself from this unhealthy pattern. 

Virgo: August 24 - September 22


A booming week full of abundance. Financial gains are expected and everything you have worked for is coming through. You have all the resources you need to grow and thrive. The one question to steer clear of is “why me?” Everything that is happening in your life is as it is meant to be. Just flow with it and keep taking one step after another. This is a good time to think about growth and all that you can create from what you have. Avoid going into conversations of lack because you are yet to achieve what you want or because you are not getting something immediately. There's a divine timeline you have to align yourself with. However, everything you need to create the life you dream of is available to you this week.

Libra: September 23 - October 23


You are blessed and your life is full of blessings. Infinite possibilities are available to you. If one thing is not panning out, it doesn't mean it'll never happen or that you've failed. That's your impatience pushing your mind to throw a tantrum. Your life is filled with partnerships that are emotionally and financially profitable. Trust the ones who surround you and play an active part in your life. This is a week to not just count your blessings but to celebrate each and every one of them. Love will blossom and work will thrive this week for most. Some are in a powerful vortex of creation and must sow seeds of their biggest dreams and deepest desires this week through aligned action.

Scorpio: October 24 - November 22


Make space for abundance needs room to thrive. Clear out the clutter by closing old chapters and tying up loose ends. It's a good week to complete tasks and close deals. Remember you have all that you need to make every aspiration of yours a reality. Take those leaps of faith and watch how things come to life. Travel light no matter where you are going. Release all emotional baggage and allow yourself to live life freely. Sit with yourself and list your immediate desires. You will realise that you can make it all happen. Avoid struggling to control the details. Instead use your experience and wisdom to guide you towards the finish line you've been gunning for.  

Sagittarius: November 23 - December 21


This is a week to move forward slowly and cautiously. You will be tempted to make quick decisions and to jump to conclusions. Be careful not to be hasty. There are many things you want, however those aren't in your best interest. Some of you are going along with plans for the sake of others. This is an unwise move. You need to set strong boundaries this week especially with those who seem to be making a return into your life this week. Do not be swayed by an ex lover or boss or business partner. Listen to the information and the many hopes they try to dish out. However, take time to assess the true benefit and only then give them your time and energy. And even after that know that you hold the power to say no. 

Also read, Love K-Dramas? Find Your Most Compatible Oppa Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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