Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week


A bit of a tough week ahead. Expect conflict and that sense of feeling let down. Some may feel burdened thanks to having let someone down. This week will make you question your reasons. What is your agenda? But this is also the week that will push your horizons and give you space to think big and imagine many wonderful things; things you can manifest through aligned action. Participate in conversations with a sense of curiosity and an open mind.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

Keep moving. You are doing all that you can and you must. Your intentions are aligned to your goals and so are your actions. Trust yourself and the game plan you have. For those who have no clue about this “game plan” and aren’t aware of what actions they are taking, know that the Universe has already set you up to act and respond in a very specific way. Park the impatience aside and be happy with the pace. Also avoid negating all the other good things in your life just because one big desire or goal is taking time. The more you enjoy your current life in every way, the stronger your ability to pull your desires to you.

The Password: I attract through joy.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 18

There’s a certain magic in the stars. They align to make certain things happen. The week holds such moments for you. Can you believe that good things can and are happening in your life? Trust your experiences. Also remember good and bad co-exist but they don’t need to be mixed nor do they change each other’s flavour. Lean into your family this week, be it the one you were born into or the ones you chose along the way. Acknowledge your strengths, abilities and successes for the Universe needs you to trust your choices in the days to come. There’s very little room for doubt other than to keep you in check. Expect good news at home and a certain amount of recognition. 

The Password: I validate myself.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Partnerships are in focus this week. For some this is your romantic partner, for some this is a professional relationship and for yet others this is about your connection with themselves. Breathe and do not assume it’s about your love life just because you’ve made that the centre of your existence. You might end up missing the point. There are new opportunities and the making of a new life phase through this connection this week. Spend time talking about the way forward, the future and align your vision. This is a week when choices have to be made and a direction, a path has to be committed to. Take the leap based on desires instead of the need to avoid pitfalls.

The Password: I trust my partner.

Aries: March 21 – April 20


How to think about things – this is what will dictate your week. To all the overthinkers reading this, you must stick to the facts and stay in the present. To all the planners, wait, watch and be willing to improvise. This could be a good week or bad and it’s only a matter of perception. Choose wisely. There’s a lot to be gained if you look at life from the right angle. Some may find they have been believing and trusting the wrong opinion all along. It’s ok to choose a different way. Avoid wasting time on regret. The week is abundant with cause for celebration. That what you want is already in your life and space. You just need to indulge in it.

The Password; I recognise the abundance.

Taurus: April 21 – May 21


Observe. Take a close look at what is happening and who is playing what part in it. This is not a time to react or even to respond. Certain truths will come to light this week. This does not mean it will be all bad. Rather, it will realign your thoughts and views about certain people as well as incidents of the past. Follow the rules as much as you can and avoid pushing anyone to do things in a new way. The old way is the safest way. Also, trying new ways will neither speed things up nor add any value. For those who find routine boring or are constantly looking to innovate, this week is not conducive to your need for adventure. It would be best to follow the path charted by others for now.

The Password: I observe, I safeguard.

 Gemini: May 22 – June 21


Home – that’s the word for the week. People who feel like home and places that feel like it. Make the most of it. Indulge and then indulge some more. Be very careful to not sway between the past and the future. Things are not how they used to be nor are they how you’d imagine them to be. ‘It is what it is’ – this is your key, the one mantra you need to breathe in and breathe out. Right here, right now – this is all that really matters and this isn’t about repeating a cliche, but rather spelling out the Universe’s instructions for you. Stay stubbornly in the present and avoid pre-empting anything. The Universe definitely has plans to surprise you.

The Password: In the present I create.

Cancer: June 22 – July 22


Your soulmate holds the answers to all your questions. But are you listening? Do not misinterpret because they speak a different language or because they don’t package their words as per your expectations. You’re safe and you have met your match. Can you now indulge this person and wrap them in your love sans fear or doubt? They are loyal and they are choosing you. However your needs, wants, expectations, standards and rules are blocking your path constantly making you trip and fall into ‘what if’ tales. Be flexible and you will see the love you have been seeking gently step out of the shadows of your fears.

The Password: I trust my choice.

Leo: July 23 – August 23


Why do you want what you want? Your motives need to be looked at and either you need to align your actions to them or you need to realign your reasons itself. You asked for something, but you rejected it when you received it. Have you realised this? For some this is a mistake you are about to make. Be aware of what you are saying yes and no to. This week you need to be clear about your agenda. What are you trying to experience or accomplish and why? There are things that will be given a new lease of life this week. It isn’t the past repeating itself. But rather your desire that’s burning bright once again. Allow life to show you all the joys that are in store for you.

The Password: I understand why.

Virgo: August 24 – September 22


Choose wisely. You’ve taken your time and done your calculations. Now it’s time to walk down the path of your choice. Do not worry about bumps along the way. They are just a part of the process. Be careful not to repeat patterns of the past. Stay calm and know that this isn’t the same situation. Choose to respond in a different way, a completely new way. Flexibility of thoughts, opinions and assessment are good for you. Everyone does not and should not function the way you think is right. In fact, your way must be challenged for only then can growth be the outcome. In the end, however, you will achieve all that you set out  to.

The Password: I am open to a new way.

Libra: September 23 – October 23


You know better than to ask rhetorical questions. You know the answers to all those queries your mind throws at you. What is it then that’s causing the restlessness? Your appetite for life or then the impatience to live that which you know is inevitable? Honesty with yourself is your best option this week. Financial abundance is flowing towards some, new opportunities that will lead to gains of many kinds are available to some and to yet others there are new beginnings in their personal lives. Make the most of this week without running ahead of yourself or holding yourself back unnecessarily. From here on pace counts.

The Password: I move with faith.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22


Go home, stay home. Retreat and be. A realignment of a major sort is underway based on the desires you have expressed and the actions you have taken. The conversations you have are powerful moments filled with the energy to manifest. Speak with awareness and consciously. Love, partnerships, harmony – whether you think of your personal or professional aspects of life, this is the current energy. Success is inevitable in every endeavour you undertake. Move with a sense of joy and confidence. Some of you who are healing from any past betrayals or feelings of being abandoned or let down, let go and move on. Now is the time to step forward.

The Password: I manifest through words.

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21


A shift of energy, a change in scenery. Your future is manifesting into your present. Do not choose to hang on to the past. Stop looking back and standing in a false sense of nostalgia. Live the life you’ve always wanted to, now that it’s all happening. Relax and ease into a new life. Nothing so bad is going to happen that it cannot be sorted out. Drop any notions of “forever” or “perfection”. Life has many flavours including spicy and bitter. But sweet is the only one you will experience all of this week if you so choose. This is a good time to pen down exactly how you see your life to be. And follow it up with a plan of action for the next three months.

The Password: I live my future now.

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