Deciding to splurge on a luxury handbag is the decision of a lifetime, no exaggerations here. Long-lasting quality, a classic design, prestigious heritage value and a charm that transcends trends or fads are just some of the checklist items that come to mind. Allow us to make the selection process a little easier.
Lady Dior is a craftsmanship marvel that has been around for decades, yet constantly creeps up in style conversations owing to its trans-generational character. The handbag is an ode to femininity and the spirit of the French couture house. Lady Dior is perhaps that one timeless icon which is no stranger to reinterpretations, and moulds itself with the personality of its wearer.
For the fourth edition of Dior Lady Art, 11 artists from around the globe re-imagined the handbag and rendered it as a unique piece of art. The infusion of individual creative ethos with Lady Dior’s craftsmanship is the dreamy collaboration we didn’t know we needed. Click through the gallery below to pick out your favourite imagination of the Lady Dior: