A Yes or No Tarot is a straightforward tarot reading style designed to provide quick answers to your questions. Unlike traditional tarot readings that involve complex spread and interpretations, Yes or No Tarot focuses on delivering simple, direct responses like "yes," "no", or "maybe". This method is particularly useful when you need immediate clarity on specific situations, making it an excellent choice to get quick and direct answers.
Aries: March 21- April 19
King of Pentacles
Yes, it indicates a favourable yes. This card signifies success after hard work or effort. Something you have worked hard for is near your reach. You are about to be rewarded. Take pride in your achievements, and don't get distracted. Proceed in the direction rather than attempting novel approaches. You don't need to jump at any additional chances.
Taurus: April 20- May 20
Reversed 9 of Pentacles
No, you are afraid to lose what you have right now and would rather stay where you are. You know that something is missing, but in fear of losing your current self, you would rather ignore the empty feeling. This is not the right time to move forward as you are overcome with fear of the unknown. Give up on a few of your needs if they block other priorities in your life. Make time for what matters.
Gemini: May 21- June 20
6 of Cups
Yes, this card manifests a feeling of nostalgia and innocence. You feel joyful and more connected to your inner child. You are encouraged to let go off the things holding you back. Take this as a sign to follow your passion like a child. It reminds you to listen to and believe in your instinct, which you can do only when you free yourself from all your burdens. Let go and flow!
Cancer: June 21- July 22
King of Swords
Maybe, you should start things objectively, rather than jumping to a decision. Gather all the information first, utilise your intelligence to prove your arguments and accomplish your objectives. To address your issues, you will need to utilise your observational skills in addition to your experience and knowledge. You cannot lose objectivity in your judgement, you must examine all of the implications before reaching a decision.
Leo: July 23- August 22
Reversed 7 of Cups
No, stay anchored in reality rather than straying into the realms of dreams and imagination. You might be unaffected by things that are unclear to you and might not make sense to you. You might be afraid to acknowledge reality and could prefer to live in your fantasy world. It could also symbolise the extinction of an uncertainty and the ability to go ahead with clarity and without illusions.
Virgo: August 23- September 22
The Temperance (Reversed)
No, this indicates imbalance and over interference in life. You might be going in the wrong direction, or you may have lost connection with your inner calm and tranquility. You may be facing a lack of harmony and happiness around you; you are confusing not just yourself, but others around you too. For successful achievement of your goals, you need to get back all your positive energy.
Libra: September 23- October 22
9 of Pentacles
Yes, this card represents success, rewarded efforts, independence, security, and leisure. It reminds us that having a positive attitude is essential for a thriving life. We cannot give to others what we do not have; when we are happy on our own, we may share that enjoyment with others. Be mindful as whatever you do will bring you success and victory, make sure its a win-win for all.
Scorpio: October 23- November 21
Ace of Cups ( Reversed)
No, the occurrence of this indicates that you have been experiencing impulsiveness or anguish. There could an emotional baggage, sadness and vulnerability associated with the question. It is important to work through these issues before moving forward in any aspect of your life. This card serves as a reminder to take care of yourself first and prioritising your emotional well-being.
Sagittarius: November 22- December 21
9 of Cups
Yes, this is the card of celebrations, let yourself enjoy this moment. Achievements are right around the corner. You will experience the self-satisfaction in whatever you are looking for. You have seen losses in your surroundings and have worked hard to rediscover harmony, pleasure, and purpose. It is among the most pleasant cards, packed with pleasure and utmost joy.
Capricorn: December 22- January 19
5 of Wands
No, conflicts, contentions, arbitration, agitation, and all the emotions that go with them are possible. Rethink your situation, as going ahead could cause conflict, ranging from misunderstanding to misjudgment. Take this as a sign to be cautious and prepare yourself to overcome the challenge. This card also suggest that one should aim at a great deal of self improvement.
Aquarius: January 20- February 18
Reversed 4 of Cups
Maybe, you might be feeling indifferent or apathetic towards the situation at hand, and are not actively seeking change. This card reminds you to be grateful for what you have and not be so focused on what you don't have. It is the time to think before taking any action; it is the time to reassess your goals and priorities to find a new spark of passion.
Pisces: February 19- March 20
6 of Swords
Yes, it is time to put the past behind you. You are willing to let go of the past an start looking toward a brighter future. You have made up your mind to move on from people and incidents that had been haunting you for a long time. This card can be used to represent both endings and beginnings. Make a decision from a fresh perspective to attract a new outcome.