Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week


Repeat after the Universe:

  1. My current life is beautiful and bountiful
  2. Who I am is more than enough
  3. The timing of my life is perfect in every way

The week will offer you enough evidence to convince you of the truth of these three statements . Watch your pace. There is no need to run when walking will get you there in time. Let faith guide your every step instead of fear. Some will be offered second chances and for some certain connections will be reignited. Embrace the vibrant energy of the week and keep up the momentum.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

Go with the flow and all will move in your favour. You’re being asked to trust that your thoughts, desires and intentions are being heard. Watch how you react to things that happen in your daily life. Know that every obstacle is serving a purpose despite the discomfort it causes you. There are important factors at play and you don’t have the entire picture. This is a week to seek solid advice and guidance from experts, mentors and those you trust. Do not walk alone. You need to have wholesome conversations with people who have been there, done that. Also, let others do things for you. You don’t need to do everything. The week ahead will be busy and full of routine things that need your attention. Put your energy into everyday life things as that is where you are most needed and that’s okay.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 18

Love, connection, comfort – these are the three energies leading the way for you this week. Open up to what you know and are choosing to not align with. You are surrounded by those who love you and you love. Your partnerships are strong and it’s best to not let disagreements create permanent cracks. You have all the support you need to manifest your desires. Tap into these energies and you will see life shift gears. A blessed week lies ahead with many successes. Indulge the joyful moments you will be showered with. This is a good week to ask for what you want and know that the Universe will deliver. However, the one clause is that you need to surrender and avoid struggling to control things. Let the pieces fall where the Universe deems fit.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Communication will be at its peak this week. Lots of conversations and chatter about many things. Listen carefully and expect lots of good news. Even what you consider as bad news is actually the Universe moving something in your favour. Respond consciously, celebrate a lot and question very little. Internally many of you are struggling. There’s a shift from who you have been, who you have become and who you would like to be. Don’t be in a hurry to decide, to take a stand. Evolution is a process. Observe yourself and accept yourself first. Restlessness is not going to help. You need to understand the purpose and the potential this current phase of your journey holds. Everything right now is about understanding, acknowledging and respecting.

Aries: March 21 – April 20

A new beginning is available to you. For some this week may also hold good news of a pregnancy or then the birth of a beautiful child. For others a new phase at work or an opportunity in their business will come through. Wear new clothes and a shiny new personality as this week needs you to embrace all things “new”. Breathe through unfamiliar situations and avoid trying to find your comfort zone wherever you go. The discomfort you feel in new situations is just curiosity. Like a child let yourself explore and discover new things about yourself as well as all that life is creating for you right now. There’s a lot of news and important information that will be delivered to you through different channels. Keep those ears open and partake in as many social gatherings as you can this week.

Taurus: April 21 – May 21

Choices and more choices have to be made this week. If you have been avoiding this moment, well you cannot do so any longer. Face your fears, hesitations and consider your desires. Choose based on a long term vision. Avoid choosing to avoid discomfort. A lot can happen in your life if you so wish it. It’s time for you to look far into your future and commit to the life you wish to create. Give yourself permission to dream and over time you will see your circumstances shift to align. You are currently in the building phase and so, do not foolishly push for results. Instead focus on doing the work. Take steps that take you further and higher. Gunning for completion is not a wise move this week. Be clear about your end goal, make sure you have a game plan and focus on the steps you need to take immediately. This is your winning formula.

Gemini: May 22 – June 21

Make things happen this week; get it done. Do not sit around waiting for anyone to give you information or permission. Make the choices, come to a decision and move. It’s a week to pick up the momentum. The fire energy is fueling every aspect of your life. Make use of it and shift your reality. You know and yet you continue to seek what you know. What different answer are you looking for and what is this different response supposed to do for you? Be flexible and avoid wanting things exactly as you desire at the moment. What you want may not come to you exactly how you want it. The “how” is never meant to be controlled by us and unless you learn to surrender, you will continue to cause delays. Be flexible enough to move out of the Universe’s way and let the good things flow to you.

Cancer: June 22 – July 22

Take lots of chances this week. The Universe is teaching you to increase your risk appetite and be more adventurous. You are protected and you are safe. This is the belief you need to build. There are a whole bunch of you feeling abandoned, dejected, alone. The pain you are experiencing is just a shadow and it does not have to be your reality. Be bold to take the strides you need towards healing and restoring the balance. Some of you need to say no loudly and clearly. Only then can a yes appear at your doorstep. Do not be guided by your past. The future is abundant and all that your heart desires is fully possible. Think constructively. Every thought should be factual and progressive to guide you towards the light. Stuck in a loop is what you want to avoid.

 Leo: July 23 – August 23

Just go with it for everything is as it is meant to be. You will find yourself in the right place at the right time surrounded by the right people all of this week. Make the most of it. Instead of questioning what is happening in your life, acknowledge the potential of every circumstance and let life guide you towards abundance. You are sitting on a treasure chest and looking for the jewels everywhere else. Know that everything you need has already been provided for. You are failing to recognise this and are continuing to repeat unhealthy patterns that keep that sense of lack alive. Miracles are available to you this week. Spend the week making many wishes. They can all come true. Yes, every single one of them!

Virgo: August 24 – September 22

Expect a change in plans this week. Yes, you wanted to get certain things done. But you need to focus on something else. Do not worry. This is good for you. Let your plans be tossed around for they need to be realigned to ensure you create the outcome you desire. A certain amount of spring cleaning needs to happen this week especially with important documents. Ensure that all legal issues have been thoroughly checked and taken care of. Let go of things that don’t serve you any purpose. Holding on is not helping anymore. Trust in who you have become and in all that you have created. Good things are happening and only good things are in store for you. Spend quality time at home with loved ones and you will witness magic unfold.

Libra: September 23 – October 23

Make those decisions this week. Do not delay any further. Work with what you know. It is enough to make the right choices. You’re being guided every step of the way and what you’ve been feeling lately is aligned to all that you are manifesting. Take action aligned to these feelings fearlessly. Your new life is already unfolding and you’ve begun living it. Trust and follow through. Do the things you’ve been planning to do without further ado. All the success you seek is already yours. It’s a matter of time and you need to simply stick to your plan. Remember to breathe and ground yourself. Excitement can also trigger anxiety. However both are normal and not signs of any shift. Stay calm and move with conviction. Everything is working out as us appropriate for your highest good.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22

Everything meant to be is coming to be. Celebrate life and everything beyond. Some of you have tapped into your most powerful frequency of abundance and manifesting anything is only a matter of thinking and feeling it. Walk with faith towards your desires and live them every step of the way. You are in the right place and all the right information finds you at the right time. Treasures have been delivered in the form of good news, opportunities as well as victories. This week you need to receive all the blessings and thrive. Some will receive important news and also messages of small and big wins. You will witness back to back miracles if you stay aligned to this feeling of being abundant. Remember you are the creator of your life and you need to live as if.

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21

Everything meant to be is coming to be. Celebrate life and everything beyond. Some of you have tapped into your most powerful frequency of abundance and manifesting anything is only a matter of thinking and feeling it. Walk with faith towards your desires and live them every step of the way. You are in the right place and all the right information finds you at the right time. Treasures have been delivered in the form of good news, opportunities as well as victories. This week you need to receive all the blessings and thrive. Some will receive important news and also messages of small and big wins. You will witness back to back miracles if you stay aligned to this feeling of being abundant. Remember you are the creator of your life and you need to live as if.

Also read, Celebrity-Approved Eyeliner Trends To Try According To Your Zodiac Sign

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