Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Tarot can help untangle crazy situations, foresee issues to come or reassure you about anything on your mind. Lets see, what yet another week has in store for you.

Aries: March 21-April 19


In love readings, it denotes a time to make advances, whether introducing to our parents or selecting a wedding date or simply moving in. Single Ariens will have someone special enter and start a meaningful relationship. Time to celebrate and enjoy happy times with friends. Sign up for a gym membership or pilates class or call the yoga instructor home; take action on physical health, strengthen your muscles and regulate your circulatory system. You are probably waiting on decisions that have to be made by others; a call for a new job, approval on a project, investment in a stock, or feedback on a presentation. Be patient, the log jam will break soon, it isn’t up to you to break it.

Taurus: April 20-May 20

There could be a decision to be made at work, either a switch or choosing a project, both of these will align more with your future goals. Review and revise your financial strategy, focus on sustainable growth instead of high-risk opportunities. If you are idolising your partner or a potential relationship; take off your coloured glasses and get real. Address the issues that have been ignored for long-term happiness. Single Taurians please emphasise finding genuine connections rather than fantasising about a perfect relationship. Quick fixes will not help achieve health goals. Show more commitment to your health, start with a gentle walk and eating right.

Gemini: May 21-June 20

Single Geminis could meet someone attentive, expressive and romantic, leading to a beautiful relationship in the future. Express your feelings, rekindle the romance with proper gestures and prioritise your emotional health in the relationship. Emotionally it is important to keep a positive outlook and address any feelings that might be affecting your physical state. Tap into the healing power of water, so therapies involving water or spending time near water bodies will have rejuvenating effects. At work, you may have several trifling issues. Your boss might be too demanding, making you overburdened. In business, you may have a conflict with a fussy customer, be patient.

Cancer: June 21-July 22

You will benefit from exercising control over your budget, spending on profitable bonds and shares will generate income. It is a good time to invest in home improvements. Have control over spending on unnecessary items. If you have to be involved with documentation, be careful of making mistakes, so that you are not exploited. Single Cancerians could meet someone with common interests; matching their vibes. There could be circumstances that lead to misunderstandings in your relationship leading to no contact. Communicate clearly to avoid this situation. You might be feeling moody because of exhaustion. Be careful of minor accidents with your legs.

Leo: July 23-August 22

There could be some miscommunication at your workplace, which could create trouble among colleagues. Now is not a good time to suggest your ideas, as they might be rejected or misunderstood. Be careful with finances, mistakes of the past could have repercussions now. Go back to previous investments and records to avoid losses. Do not hesitate to ask for expert help. Your muscles might be strained due to stress and lack of rest; rather than popping muscle relaxants, invest in a good massage and yoga class. Relationships seem to be in a happy time, enjoying the calming bliss. Single Leos could meet someone very attractive, expect sparks to fly, but go slow.

Virgo: August 23-September 22

Your hard work will be paid off, receiving a major promotion or high-level leadership which can help in your career progression. In this rational state, review your spending behaviour and whether you use emotions in spending. It is not a good time to make new investments. Existing investments could also be low, be patient. In business you will have income to cover expenses, do not be careless as your income is your working fund. There might be a maturity gap between you and your partner, making you feel alone in the relationship. Think from their perspective to bridge this gap. Single Virgos could meet someone older or mature. Neck strain because of wrong posture could bog you down.

Libra: September 23-October 22

There is emotional manipulation in relationships either towards you or by you, where feelings are being used to control others. Get a grip and stop playing these games. Single Librans could rekindle with an old flame, feeling a different connection this time. Emotional suppression and stress could manifest physical symptoms. Engage in counselling, meditation or creative expression for emotional well-being. You will be assigned a new project, for which you will gain appreciation from people surrounding you but be careful your performance may annoy a few. You could spend on your health issues and extravagant things. Be cautious with being freehanded to pay for your friends.

Scorpio: October 23-November 21

Things are on track and you seem to be at peace now. Finances look great, expect a good return on investments. Study the new investments well before investing, just do not rely on the advice of friends. There might be boredom at work, but enjoy a little downtime. You could get support from a female boss/colleague. A period of frustration in relationships as a feeling of ungratefulness might have crept in. Single Scorpios are holding impressions of the past. Now is the time to mend your relationship with yourself and change the thought patterns to attract love. Get enough sleep and hydrate well, and avoid junk drinks and too much caffeine.

Sagittarius: November 22-December 21

You will be sensitive and moody easily. Try to remain calm, be careful when dealing with people around you, especially when using straight words as it may easily cause a dispute with them. There is a need for a sense of independence in relationships. You might be overthinking a lot. Take a little time out to clear out your head and gain perspective. Sometimes a little “me time” in relationships is healthy. Single Sagittarians could connect with someone abroad. You might be cautious from your past financial experiences but do not regret them and block yourself from new ideas. Take calculated risks for bigger gains. Do not avoid the backache.

Capricorn: December 22- January 19

You need to love yourself first and then radiate it to others. You are so engrossed in giving that you might be taken for granted. Learn to love yourself unconditionally and work on your inner beliefs to enjoy the journey of life with your partner. Single Capricorns could meet someone through friends or at social events. There is some sort of politics going on at your workplace; gossiping and an air of negativity that is consuming your productivity. Let it pass and come out of the small world of your office. There could be a delay in getting the expected news on money. Time to reconnect with old customers. Be careful with minor irritants like headaches, making you a little irritable and groggy.

Aquarius: January 20-February 18

Family members or close friends may seek your advice. Your empathetic nature helps you understand different perspectives, making you a mediator in resolving disputes. Spend quality time with loved ones to strengthen bonds. Be open to compromise, as it will enhance mutual understanding and respect. Single Aquarians, carefully check before falling for this mystery person you have met. It is a good time to invest in real estate; buying a house or land. You may suddenly get a repayment of the money that you had lent to someone and have written it off as bad debt. You may be feeling fresh and energetic physically and mentally, movement towards spirituality may have made you feel better.

Pisces: February 19-March 20

A stroke of luck is at your side this week. Look out for new opportunities or investments and grab them without any iota of doubt. Now is the time to act not to be afraid of change. A time of being materialistically generous with your partner. Delve into more realistic ways of joining sources and investing or making a comfortable living together. Single Pisceians could find love or lasting friendship during social work. Time to use moisturisers or sun blocks as your skin might be vulnerable. Erratic eating habits could lead to stomach problems. Make an appointment with a professional for helping you get long term results, do not settle for quick fixes.

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