Indulge in healthy, homemade snacks at Kitchen Garden

There’s nothing wrong with snacking, as long as you’re doing it right. Stop by Kitchen Garden for a selection of healthy dishes, 100% homemade, full of antioxidants and nutrient packed ingredients.  Kitchen Garden promises the freshest and healthiest organic food possible, all sourced locally from Offering farms – a lovely organic farm located in the hills an hour or so from Pune.  They now have a 8000 square feet plot of land just for Kitchen garden where they will grow all the leafy vegetables, salads, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, beets, fresh herbs and all other delicious veggies on their menu.
All through October, indulge in the Feel Good Smoothie, Pink Cooler, Organic Chia Seed Pudding with berry coulis and the Almond butter, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Ogaan Cancer Foundation.  
Come November you can find your Kitchen Garden favourites at a new location in Maker Maxity, BKC.


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