Embrace Your Inner Woo-Woo: Confessions of a Closeted Believer


We’ve all got our little quirks, our secret rituals that we swear by, even if they might sound a tad woo-woo to the uninitiated. But guess what? Embracing it might just be the key to unlocking your inner zen. So let’s get into the three of the secret woo-woo habits that I indulge in daily.

EFT tapping


Before you start rolling your eyes so hard they get stuck in the back of your head, hear me out. EFT tapping, short for Emotional Freedom Techniques, is like giving your emotions a gentle reset button—by tapping on specific points on your body, you’re helping to release stress and negative energy, kind of like rebooting your mind and body back to a calmer state. There’s something strangely therapeutic about rhythmically tapping on acupressure points while muttering affirmations under your breath (which I don’t do yet because I usually have soothing Bollywood music playing). 

Mindful skincare with lymphatic massages


The Bollywood music is still playing – but there’s a lot more to my morning skincare routine than I let on. I usually gently massage the serums and moisturiser into my skin giving myself a massage to de-puff every morning. It’s like giving your face a VIP ticket to the Fountain of Youth and centering yourself to face the day ahead. It is a sensory experience and don’t knock it until you try it. 

Morning sounds

No, I’m not talking about the chirping of birds or the soothing babble of a brook. I’m talking about soundscapes specifically engineered to align your chakras and set the tone for the day ahead. Sure, it might sound a little out there, but there’s something undeniably calming about starting your day with a symphony of singing bowls and ethereal chants. It’s like giving your brain a spa day before you’ve even had your morning coffee. While Bollywood music plays through the rest of the morning, I wake up to these sounds. 

So there you have it, my secret woo-woo habits laid bare for all the world to see. Say what you will about the efficacy of tapping, skincare rituals, and morning sounds, but one thing’s for sure: they make my days a little brighter, my skin a little clearer, and my soul a little lighter. So go ahead, embrace the woo-woo. Your inner zen will thank you for it.

Beauty Editor

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